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Charity We Support

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During tragic events, Spartans rally to ensure our campus and community have the resources necessary to provide for those in need. As the MSU community comes together to assist one another, learn more about how you can financially support the university with numerous challenges surrounding the evolving crisis.  

Greater Lansing Food Bank

Since 1981, Greater Lansing Food Bank has led the fight against hunger in our seven-county, 4,000 square-mile service area, ensuring families in need have nutritious food to support their health and well-being, to weather financial stress or unforeseen life events and to learn and grow as community members.

Sparrow Foundation | Sparrow

Since 1896, Sparrow’s roots have been planted in philanthropy, from the first donation of a plot of land from E. W. Sparrow to the gifts we receive today. The Sparrow Foundation was launched in 1960 to help improve the health of the people in our communities by providing quality, compassionate care to everyone, every time. As a nonprofit health system owned and governed by the community, our mission is to connect your passion with a purpose.

East Lansing Educational Foundation

For over thirty years, the East Lansing Educational Foundation has recognized that the quality of an educational system and the vitality of the community it serves are inexorably intertwined. In hopes of nourishing and strengthening this relationship, the Foundation, through the use of private resources, has committed its support to programs and projects which supplement the educational opportunities available to our children. The Foundation, a nonprofit tax-exempt organization, operates independently from the school district for the sole benefit of its students.

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It is the mission of All-of-us Express Children’s Theatre to offer young people of all backgrounds, cultures, and lifestyles the opportunity to produce professional quality plays, study many aspects of the dramatic arts, and develop valuable life skills while providing outstanding entertainment to the community.

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Impression 5 Science Center is a dynamic, interactive space for families to play, create, and challenge their understanding of science. Our mission is to facilitate learners in scientific exploration through hands-on exhibits and participatory educational programming.

 East Lansing Public Schools

The East Lansing Band and Orchestra programs have been in existence for over sixty years and have a long history of excellence in performance.

​Currently there are around 300 students involved in the orchestra program and 450 in the band program. Our programs begin in sixth grade and continue through high school. Middle School and High School ensembles meet five times a week and perform in concerts throughout the year. We also have extra curricular music ensembles that meet before and after school at the middle and high school levels.

The Vilage Lansing

At the end of 2019 after a shooting that left a young person from our community dead and another wounded, a meeting was called out to community members to talk about the violence amongst our young people got together to try and do something about it. We started with Fellowship BBQ's in the Park every Monday.  The Village Lansing is a community-based non profit organization that was created to strengthen and support our communities through outreach, resource allocation, mobilization, mentoring, empowerment, and service.

The Advance Peace Lansing Peacemaker Fellowship is committed to ending gun violence and promoting neighborhood safety and social cohesion by investing in the healthy development and wellbeing of individuals at the center of gun violence. Our goal is to reduce gun-related violence by 40% in Lansing Michigan over the next three years. 



The mission of FIRST® is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders and innovators, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.



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