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End of Line Functional Motor Tester using LabVIEW and PXI

Enduromax No Drive Main


End of Line Functional Motor Tester using LabVIEW and PXI.  A Motor manufacturer needed a custom functional tester to test their product.  A functional tester is a test that verifies the product works as designed before being shipped to the customer.  They needed software that was easy to use and the ability to add or remove tests based on the product they were testing.  The motor test had different signal types that needed to be measured such as an encoder, resistance, inductance, and analog inputs.  The test also needed to communicate to the motor to send and receive commands and motor status.  They also wanted a reporting feature that showed the testing data on the product over time.  A simple and easy to use user interface was needed to reduce training costs.

Read more …End of Line Functional Motor Tester using LabVIEW and PXI

Bed of Nails Tester for PCB using PXI and LabVIEW

USSI Bed of Nails Main FP


Bed of Nails Tester for PCB (Printed Circuit Board) using PXI and LabVIEW.  An electronics manufacturing company needed a bed of nails functional tester to test their PCB product.  The product was a radio that was used by emergency responders.  A bed of nails tester is a test that has pins that connects to various test points on the circuit board.  The circuit board needed to be powered on and the various test points needed to be measured to verify the the correct signal was present at each test point.  They also needed the software to prompt the user to operate buttons on the PCB and verify the correct response i.e. an LED being on.  The test was also changing and the system needed to have the ability to easily modify tests or add tests at a later time.

Read more …Bed of Nails Tester for PCB using PXI and LabVIEW

Drop Impact Tester Using Control Techniques Unidrive Motor Drive and LabVIEW

Drop Impact Main FP


Drop Impact Tester Using Control Techniques Unidrive Motor Drive and LabVIEW.  A company that designs and manufactures office furniture needed to upgrade the user interface to their drop impact test machine.   A drop impact tester is a test that drops a weight on a product for a defined number of cycles.  The previous user interface was developed in a software package that wasn't supported anymore.   The previous user interface was also not intuitive to use by the operator.   They needed the user interface to connect to the drive via Modbus. The customer also had existing motor drive and controller hardware and wanted to reuse it.   

Read more …Drop Impact Tester Using Control Techniques Unidrive Motor Drive and LabVIEW

Withstanding Voltage Test

 Main UI.lvlib Main.lvclass Main UI FP


Withstanding Voltage Test.  A glass manufacturer needed to determine the withstanding voltage of their product.  Withstanding voltage testing is done with a high voltage source and voltage and current meters.  It applies the necessary voltages to a device and monitors leakage current.  If the leakage current is over a defined threshold the test fails. They had an existing Kikusui T0S9201withstanding voltage tester that they were using to perform the test manually.  The customer wanted software that could automate the test and save the acquired data for quality control.  Automating the process would make the test much faster, reduce operator error, and acquire data used for quality control and design feedback.

Read more …Withstanding Voltage Test

Cycle Test Stand using CompactDAQ and LabVIEW




Cycle Test Stand using CompactDAQ and LabVIEW.  A manufacture of home water purifiers needed custom LabVIEW software to cycle test their product.  The cycle test controlled water flow and electrical power via relays to the units under test.  The current draw of each unit was monitored and saved to file.  The user needed the ability to test groups of units independently of each other.  The program was going to be used in different locations all over the world and needed to be understood by non-native English speakers.  

Read more …Cycle Test Stand using CompactDAQ and LabVIEW

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