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Hydrophone Tester



Hydrophone Tester.  A company that develops and manufactures hydrophones needed software that generated a signal with a sound projector and then measure the hydrophone response .    A hydrophone is an underwater microphone that detects sound.   The software needed to be able to perform a variety of different tests on the hydrophone such as Transmitting Voltage Response (TVR) and Free Field Voltage Sensitivity (FFVS).  The data acquired from the software was analyzed using MATLAB.

Read more …Hydrophone Tester

Automatic Acoustic Calibrator for Hydrophone Testing

Main Library.lvlib Main.lvclass Main UI FP


Automatic Acoustic Calibration for Hydrophone testing. A company that develops and manufactures hydrophones needed software to run and acquire data from their acoustic calibrator.   A hydrophone is an underwater microphone that detects sound.  An acoustic calibrator is a device that is filled with water and contains a speaker which allows the operator to perform testing on the hydrophone.  The company needed the software to automatically adjust 2 output waveforms that were connected to 2 speakers and record the hydrophone response over a set frequency range. The software needed to save the  hydrophone sensitivity verses frequency and the hydrophone phase verses frequency to an excel file to be analyzed at a later time.  The software also needed to be easy to use to reduce training and operating costs.    

Read more …Automatic Acoustic Calibrator for Hydrophone Testing

Aerospace Fan Tester using a PLC and LabVIEW

 Xcelaero Smart Fan Main.lvlib Main.lvclass Main UI FP


Aerospace Fan Tester using a PLC and LabVIEW.  An aerospace industrial fan manufacture needed custom LabVIEW software to control and monitor Modbus Data from a PLC (Programable logic controller).  The software needed to monitor and control a user specified number of fans.  Data acquired from the fans needed to be displayed to the user.  Data collected from the fans needed to be logged to file for analysis.

Read more …Aerospace Fan Tester using a PLC and LabVIEW

Automated Burst Tester for Aerospace Hoses



Automated Burst Tester for Aerospace Hoses.  A company manufacturing aerospace hoses wanted to automate their manual hose burst test. They wanted to input a pressure rise rate (psi/min) and have the pressure inside the hose ramp at the desired rate. When the hose failed the maximum burst pressure was calculated by the software. Finally a report was generated that contained all the necessary test information. An excel file was also created that contained the raw pressure data from the test.

Read more …Automated Burst Tester for Aerospace Hoses

Hydraulic Valve Test using CompactDAQ and LabVIEW

Prototype Main FP


Hydraulic Valve Test using CompactDAQ and LabVIEW.  A precision machine shop was building a test stand to test precision valves for an aerospace application. They needed data acquisition software that could monitor valve position, mass flow of the fluid, fluid temperature, and fluid pressure. The software needed to graph mass flow rate vs. position and pressure vs. position respectively. They also needed the capability to save reports containing the current readings of the sensors and screen shots of the graphs.

Read more …Hydraulic Valve Test using CompactDAQ and LabVIEW

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