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Automotive Flow Lab Monitoring and Control System

 AVL Flow Meter
Photo Courtesy AVL not actual system


Automotive Flow lab Monitoring and Control System.  A tier one automotive supplier of exhaust systems needed to upgrade their flow lab.  The flow lab measured air flow through the part under test as well as various temperatures, and pressures.  The software needed to monitor multiple instruments and sensors used to test the part. The software also needed to control a high speed blower, and a heater.   The user interface needed to be intuitive to the operator and display and save the relevant data.

Read more …Automotive Flow Lab Monitoring and Control System

Automated Fuse Tester for Automotive

Micro Ohm Main


Automotive fuse tester.  An automotive fuse manufacture needed an end of line test to test fuses they were manufacturing.  The system needed to measure the resistance of each fuse and compare it to an entered value.  The system then needed to determine if the fuse was acceptable or faulty and save the results for the test.  The software needed to be easy to use and interface with different hardware components.

Read more …Automated Fuse Tester for Automotive

Data Logger and Controller using CompactDAQ and LabVIEW

Generic Data Logger Main FP


Data logger and controller using CompactDAQ and LabVIEW.  An automotive test lab needed a general data logger and digital controller to perform tests on their products.   The system needed to monitor thermocouples, accelerometers, voltages, and a rotary encoder.  Low and high limits needed to be assigned to the analog inputs, and if the measured value exceeded the limits the software would report a fault.  The software had to also control digital outputs.   The software needed to turn on and off digital outputs for a user specified time in a user specified sequence.  Each digital output needed to controlled independently.  
The customer wanted to use off the shelf data acquisition hardware to reduce costs and standardize the hardware in the lab.  The hardware also needed to be able to measure different signal types i.e. thermocouples, thermocouples, and voltages.
The software needed to be able to add additional features to accommodate changing test requirements.

Read more …Data Logger and Controller using CompactDAQ and LabVIEW

LabVIEW Automotive Programming using CAN

Dexter Tow Assist Program UI2


LabVIEW Automotive Programming using CAN.  A towing controller manufacture needed an end of line programming tool for their product.  The towing controller needed to be programmed with various values before being shipped.  We developed a LabVIEW application that allowed an operator to easily program their product.  We also developed a panel that housed an industrial computer and all the hardware necessary to program the part.

Read more …LabVIEW Automotive Programming using CAN

Automotive Console Cycle Tester using CAN

 Intertek CAN Main


Automotive Console Cycle Tester using CAN.  An independent testing lab needed to test an automotive console.  An automotive console is a device in an automobile that controls the options in a car.  For example the heating and air conditioning and the radio.  The customer wanted to test up to 10 consoles simultaneously.  The consoles also could be different models of consoles.  They needed the software to send and receive CAN messages to the console and do cycle testing.   Cycle testing is a type of test that exercises the part for a defined number of cycles.  For example sending a message to turn the radio on and off.  The test also needed to allow the user to use a control on the software user interface and send that command via CAN to the device under test.

Read more …Automotive Console Cycle Tester using CAN

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