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Automated Burst Tester for Aerospace Hoses



Automated Burst Tester for Aerospace Hoses.  A company manufacturing aerospace hoses wanted to automate their manual hose burst test. They wanted to input a pressure rise rate (psi/min) and have the pressure inside the hose ramp at the desired rate. When the hose failed the maximum burst pressure was calculated by the software. Finally a report was generated that contained all the necessary test information. An excel file was also created that contained the raw pressure data from the test.


We developed a LabVIEW program that controlled the pressure rise rate via an analog output channel on a data acquisition card connected to a Tescom ER3000 pressure controller. We monitored the pressure of the hose using a pressure transducer and an analog input channel on an NI CompactDAQ data acquisition system . We displayed the pressure history on a graph, and after the test was completed the maximum pressure would be marked and displayed numerically. We included a function that allowed the operator to mark the graph to note when something of interest happened during the test (i.e. a slow leak). The program included report generation to a word document and saving the raw data to an excel file.

Tescom Pressure Controller

Tescom ER3000 Pressure Controller


NI CompactDAQ 



Automated burst tester for aerospace hoses was more accurate than the original manual burst tester because the pressure rise rate could be controlled better with the ER3000 pressure controller than a manual valve. The automated report generation and burst pressure calculation also saved time for the operators running the test.

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