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LabVIEW Automotive Programming using CAN

Dexter Tow Assist Program UI2


LabVIEW Automotive Programming using CAN.  A towing controller manufacture needed an end of line programming tool for their product.  The towing controller needed to be programmed with various values before being shipped.  We developed a LabVIEW application that allowed an operator to easily program their product.  We also developed a panel that housed an industrial computer and all the hardware necessary to program the part.


A LabVIEW program was developed that communicated with the product via CAN.  The application needed to connect to a hand scanner that the operator used to scan the part serial number.  A printer was used to print a label based on the entered information.  A panel was developed to house all the hardware necessary to program the part.

Block Diagram


A PCAN USB to CAN network device was used to connect to the product's CAN Port.   CAN stands for (Controller Area Network)CAN stands for (Controller Area Network).  It is a vehicle bus standard designed to communicate between ECUs (Electronic Control Units)



A panel was developed that housed all the necessary hardware.  A panel mount PC was integrated into the front of the panel to run the LabVIEW program and connect to the hardware via ethernet.

IMG 20230607 155232552

Inside of Control Panel

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Panel Connections

Panel PC

Panel PC


The software was developed so the user could step through each step of the test procedure.  The user could go back to a step if needed.  This made the software very easy to use.

Read Kit Number

The software read the Kit number of the part using a scanner.  The kit number was used to query a database for the part parameters.  The user could also manually enter the parameters.

Read Kit Number

Send Configuration

The send configuration screen allowed the user to program the part with the desired parameters.

Dexter Tow Assist Program UI2


LabVIEW Automotive Programming using CAN automated the process to program the part.  The software was intuitive and easy to use reducing errors and training costs.


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